Up to date and easy to read. Perfect for hikers and walkers, lovers of the outdoors, cycling and mountain bike adventure.
Are more technical and detailed; they also include the best known alpine skiing trails.
An in-depth support for our maps and offer additional information on hiking, alpine skiing and mountain bike itineraries.
HIKING MAP with High mountain skiing route for:GRAN PARADISO - LA GRIVOLA - COGNEIncludes the areas of:Gran Paradiso National Park EDITION 2016
HIKING MAP with High mountain skiing route for:MONVISO - VALLE VARAITA - VALLE PO - VALLE PELLICEIncludes the areas of:Valle Varaita - Valle Po - Valle PelliceEDITION 2016
HIKING MAP of MONVISO with paths for GTA (Great Crossing of the Alps) and Giro del VisoIt includes the areas of:Valle Pellice - Valle Po - Valle Varaita - Bric Bucie - Mongioia - Aiguille de Chambeyron - Chateau Queyras - AiguillesEDITION 2017
HIKING MAP with High mountain skiing route for:CERVINO MATTERHORN - BREUIL CERVINIA - CHAMPOLUCIncludes the areas of:Zermatt - Valtournenche - Ayas EDITION 2020
Excursions, ascents, crossings.150 mountain itineraries - 40 ski trails. It includes the following areas:Valleys of Soana, Orco, Rhemes and Valgrisenche.
HIKING MAP of SAN REMO, IMPERIA, MONTE CARLO with paths for Alta Via dei Monti Liguri - Via Alpina - Sentiero Balcone Mediterraneo and Via Marenca.It includes the areas of:Bordighera - Breil sur Roya - Colle di Nava - Diano Marina - Laigueglia - Menton - Monsieur - St. Dalmas de Tende - Pieve di Teco - Sospel - VentimigliaEDITION 2017
HIKING MAP with High mountain skiing route for:MONTE ROSA - ALAGNA VALSESIA - MACUGNAGAIncludes the areas of:Gressoney EDITION 2018
HIKING MAP of LANGHE MERIDIONALI with paths for Great Crossing of Langhe - Alta Via dei Monti Liguri and Sentieri dell'Alta LangaIt includes the areas of:Barolo - Bossolasco - Cairo M. - Carru '- Ceva - Cherasco - Cortemilla - Dogliani - La Morra - Millésimo - Monforte d'Alba - Murazzano EDITION 2019
HIKING MAP of the MARITIME and LIGURIAN ALPS with paths for GTA (Great Crossing of the Alps) - Alta Via dei Monti Liguri - Via Alpina and Tour of MarguareisIt includes the areas of:Valle delle Meraviglie (Merveilles) - Limone Piemonte - Entracque - Frabosa - Parco Nat. Alpi Marittime - Parco Nat. Alta Valle Pesio e Tanaro - Prato Nevoso - Saorge - Tende -...
From the Po Valley to the Susa Valley61 itineraries in the Parks - 57 excursions in the Prealps - 20 MTB tours - 15 bike tripsParks, Nature Reserves, Fully Furnished Areas:Val Troncea, Orsiera Rocciavre', Gran Bosco di -Salbertrand, Orrido di Chianocco, Madonna della neve sul Monte Lera, Rocca di Cavour, Stupinigi, Fluviale del Po Torinese, Le Vallere,...
HIKING MAP with High mountain skiing route for:PARCO NATURALE ALPI MARITTIMEIncludes the areas of:Entracque - Valdieri - Mercantour - Gelas EDITION 2019